Vocabulary and phrases preview (词汇与短语预习)

positive emotions 积极情绪    contentment 满意    satisfaction 满足    balanced 平衡的
refreshed 恢复精力的    silver bullet 银弹    unplug 放空    regular exercise 规律的运动
make friends 交朋友    develop hobbies 培养爱好    self-realization 自我实现
personal accomplishments 个人成就    climb the social ladder 实现阶级跃迁    give back to community 回馈社会

Sentence (造句 句式)

One of the happiest moments in my life was when I got admitted to my dream school/got my dream job ...
It was memorable because __ (I felt like I'd finally proven myself/my hard work finally paid off/)...
I always look forward to receiving lots of likes when I post my moments on __ WeChat/Weibo
I __ (get a little jealous/feel happy for them/...) when I see other people's happy moments on WeChat
When I am a bit down I often __ (work out/talk to my friends/...) to cheer myself up
__ (Regular exercise/Hobbies/...) can improve your mental well-being.
Q1: Do you like sharing your happy moment on social media? Why or why not?
Q2: Could you share with us one of the happiest moments in your life?
Q3: Do you have any tips that will make our life happier?
Q4: What made you happy recently? I am happy about __ (my new car/the upcoming holiday/...)