Vocabulary and phrases preview (词汇与短语预习)

taker 索取者    manipulate 操控    sacrifice 牺牲    never feel satisfied 从不满足
jealous 嫉妒的    unbearable 无法忍受的    acceptable 可接受的    thoughtful 体贴的
family-oriented 顾家的    share the same value 三观一致    have a good personality 性格好    have a sense of humor 有幽默感

Sentence (造句 句式)

I think he/she must __ (have a good temper/be thoughtful)
I don't expect him/her to __ (be wealthy/be good-looking)
It's a plus if he/she __ (is tall/has a decent job)
Couples are not obligated to __ (tell each other everything/be 100 percent honest)
I think couples should be 100 percent honest or else ...
It's unrealistic to __ (be completely honest/share everything)
I (don't) accept that my partner has a soul mate because ... I would be jealous
I feel like I am __ (a third wheel/an outsider/...) if my partner has a soul mate

Q1: What do you value when you choose your partner?
Q2: Do you think couples should be 100 percent honest with each other? Why or why not?
Q3: Are you a taker or giver? What's your ideal relationship like?