energetic reinvent euphoria [yo͞oˈfôrēə] subconsciously strenuous [ˈstrenyo͞oəs] sore mental resistance stab shrinking binging watching edge blob pathetic traits obsessed observe obstacle cultivation cultivate favor favorite disregarded regarded dramatically dramatic vivid cinematic convey succumbing prey tummy inflation in essence The hedonic treadmill is a metaphor safeguard mechanism primal notion impulse momentum stoked consumer traps insidious sudden death rationalizaion consumerist mentality heartbreaking play the socket market nap time dominance gossip Ponzi schemes conjunction gorillas sub-health suboptimal eliminate willpower succumb paralyzed intimidated body dismorphia assessments complications invasive invade aesthetically(adv) aesthetics enhancement sketchy scam white-knuckled investors gained mainstream traction word of mouth KOL(Key opinion leader) internet influence internet celebrity fame reputation prestige character temperament disposition keep the edge Remain competitive keep the competitive compensate vibrant down-to-earth smack in the middle of the melting pot snob boroughs exorbitant suboptimal health aerobic sluggish insomnia ailments out of whack