I live in wuhan china, a small village, i love my family even though it is the time of lacking resources and technology, i still have lots of happiness to share with my family and friends. i write this blog try to use in english all for practicing english and to improve my english writing skills I know it is a little bit of difficulty for me using in english and even will make a lots of mistakes in writing but i do not care, i just want to use english all of my life. The english studying it is part of my life, after i knowing that, the people life it is a process of growing up, so i want to do something it is different compare to other people who are same age as me, what is the purpose of living in the world? in china, for parents for family for children and so on … it's a little bit tried of living this world for all the responsibilities. We are talk about language learning, i am poor code programmer cause i still have lost more to learn, i have been studying java scala python and go, in fact, there are some reasons for my learning those program languages.
The first one is high salary,secondly is the big data use those languages will be more effective, i want to do some interesting and amazing things, using more data to analysis and get more usefully data to apply in life … Although it is far away for me, i have no chance to use my knowledge to deal with those data, so in one day, i hope i could work in ByteDance/Alibaba or some great company like that, yes i did not have good education and not go to a good University, but i think the most good university it is our self, the ability to using internet to study the subject you interest in and KEEP DOING one thing you want to do in the world unless you are not living the world!
Just like Steve Jobs once said 'Stay Hungry Stay Foolish', we live this world just for doing something instead of doing nothing, i want doing something, some interesting things some things that can implements our work and dreams. Finding one thing you are interest in and try to achieve it. to be a good man and helping other people under your ability. it is learn from the movie PAY IT FORWARD to help more people do the better self Of course I want to travel around the world But lack of money (^_^ a big smile here) YES we are young we need to do more crazy things with young age and some crazy things in other eyes even just only yourself, cause the lonely person can go faster but you still need some good people go with you before you did not meet those guys so just by yourself to those Journey Sometimes my opinion is different between the same ages of my friends, it is odd,it is not traditionally, thank myself it is me, is the person of WeiLin Huang, it is real me. i want to do myself, sometimes you can not. with worldly life to live … common customs to move our steps. it is sucks. you have no chance to change it. Try to be good to you family try to love your parents and friends, try to cherish your time to do right things, try to find your other half, your right girl… I TRY TO DO IT