The was a wonderful dinner, honey. What do you want to do now?
Well, I'm thinking we should go get a second mortgage after that 25% tip I just left!
25%? What prompted that?
The machine! its lowest option was 20%. I don't want to seem like a cheapskate.
So this is the tipflation I keep hearing about. They just keep nudging us higher and
Not to mention the sticker shock of higher menu prices!
Now that you mention it, if prices have gone up, haven't tips already gone up
automatically too?
Exactly. It's a double whammy: adding insult to injury!
I think these restaurants should be careful. This might backfire. Other people are
feeling the pinch these days, too.
I just wish they'd abolish tipping altogether and start paying servers a living wage.
Some restaurants are trying that model out. It might be a while before it catches on
Well, maybe we should put our money where our mouth is and start frequenting those
Good idea. If we had any money left after tonight's dinner, that is!