When the poet Robert Burns penned(书写 pen过去分词 过去式) Auld Lang Syne in 1788, little did he know that it would become the world's de facto (实际上的 既成事实) New Year's Eve anthem(赞歌).
The song depicts friends having a drink and reminiscing(回味 缅怀 追忆) about thier past adventures. Its Scots title is often translated as "old long since" in English.
Thought almost inconceivable(不可想象的) today, Auld Lang Syne once had a different melody(旋律), which Burns thought to be mediocre(二流的).
A decade later, the lyrics found the perfect match in a pentatonic(五声的 五音阶的) Scots folk melody.
Canadian bandleader Guy Lombardo was instrumental(决定性的 至关重要的) in making the song quintessential(最具代表性的) in North America.
Her rendition(对歌曲 音乐 诗歌的诠释) of the song on radio and TV marked the transition(转变 改变 过度) from the old year to the new, immortalizing(使不朽) the tune(曲调) as the New Year's anthem.
The song vividly(生动地 强烈地) captures the mixed feelings of nostalgia(怀旧) for the past and excitement for the future, giving it a potent(强有力的) universal(普遍存在的 广泛适用的 全民的) appeal.
As we bid(投标 竞标 出价 喊价) yesteryear(不久以前 去年 过去不久的岁月) goodbye and ring in a new year, let's all "drink a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld land syne."