Stephen Chow is often compared to Charlie Chaplin, and his nonsensical (愚蠢的 荒谬的) "mou lei tau" with Chaplin's slapstick (打闹剧 滑稽剧).
Indeed, their films often tell a similar story: the underdog(弱者 弱势群体) with a heart of gold who overcomes the odds and wins the day.
"Kung Fu Hustle" is the story of an aspiring gangster, who tries to extort (敲诈 勒索) a small community in Old Shanghai called "Pig Sty Alley".
However, unbeknownst (在某人不知道的情况下) to Sing, Pig Sty Alley is the home to several kung fu masters who are able to repel (击退 抗御) both Sing and the murderous Axe Gang.
During the film's climax (高潮 顶点 极点 层进法) he rises to the heavens, meets the Buddha, and returns to defend the community as a kung fu master himself.
"Kung Fu Hustle" is a tongue-in-cheek (半开玩笑的敬意) homage to both Eastern and Western cinema.
As one might expect, the choreography (编排设计) of the fight scenes is top-notch, Through CGI, many moves from the imagination of martial arts novelist Jin Yong are brought to life.
However, it also borrows from American elements as disparate(截然不同的) as "The Matrix" and "Looney Tunes".
Serveral kung fu stars have prominent(著名的 显著的 凸出的) roles, and directors Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Yibai both have cameos (客串角色 小配角).