In the 1990s, "Forrest Gump" was a runway success, and it still remains one of the
most quotable movies of all time.
It was also famous for its CGI. Although dated by today's standards, seeing Forrest
inserted into real historical footage was enough to amaze audiences worldwide.
Forrest is a man who stumbles (蹒跚 结巴) through every monumental (重要的 意义深远的) moment in
mid-20th century American history, in some cases acting as the catalyst (催化剂
促成变化的人/事件) for those events.
He even finds himself on the geopolitical (地理政治学的) stage, being part of ping pong
diplomacy (手腕 手段 策略) in China.
He is oblivious (毫无知觉的 未察觉的) to the upheaval (激变 动荡 剧变) that surrounds him, and his
lack of cynicism (愤世嫉俗) allows the viewer to see an idealized version of America.
On the surface, "Forrest Gump" might seem like the simple story of a simple man.
However, it can also be viewed as meditation on destiny versus chance.
Forrest floats through life like the iconic feather that opens and closes the movie,
whereas the characters who believe in destiny all run into disaster.
Is life a box of chocolates, or is it run by destiny? The film ends with Forrest
concluding "maybe it's both".