Why am I so broke? I have a decently cushy job I work hard. I just don't get where it all goes!
Same, but I think a big part of problem is lifestly creep.
Lifestly creep?
Yup! The more money we make, the more we indulge (沉迷,享受) in luxuries like lattes and bougie (追求享受物质的,小资的) dinners.
Eventually, that lifestyle creeps up on us and we feel like we need to maintain it.
I get that, but it's so hard to go back. It feels regressive,you know?
I hear ya! we're 35. We feel like we deserve it! But how much of that lifestyle is also us keeping up with the Joneses?(与周围人攀比 钱财 物质上的攀比)
Probably more than I'd like to admit.
Exactly. We don't need to be super restrictive, but we could set a cap, automate our savings, and ask ourselves if these things really improve our lives.
Honestly, they're probably doing more to derail (使偏离) my savings plan!
Totally! Which is why we gotta keep that discretionary spending in check.
True. And who knows? if we play our cards right, maybe we'll be living out our retirement in Fiji!