Hey Drew, this new up-and-coming (有前途的) Indie (独立的) band is touring (巡回演出), here next week. Wanna check it out?
What kind of music do they play?
It's hard to nail them down (弄清 确定) to an exact genre (类型). They're pretty eclectic(不拘一格的 兼收并蓄的 博采众长的).
Well help me out here. Is it Rock? R&B? Country? Do they play covers or originals?
Originals. I guess you could call it a jazz hip-hop fusion kind of thing. They've got all of the complex harmonies (和声) of jazz, but with hip-hop rhythms (节奏) thrown in for good measure (另外 额外).
So do they actually play instruments, or is it all sampling (音乐采样)?
It's a good deal of both. They sample old jazz standards, but add a hip-hop twist (改编). The lead singer is a virtuoso (演奏家) sax player.
Sounds neat (好的), but I'm just worried that I wouldn't be able to get into it. I'm a Top 40 guy at heart, you know.
Fair enough.
You should ask Jim though; he's really big into experimental (实验主义的) music.
I already did! But he's such a homebody (喜欢宅在家的人). He'd rather sit at home and listen to recordings than go to a live venue(场地 举行地点 会场).
Well, I guess I could go then. I haven't been to a concert since 2010, unless you count the symphonies (交响乐) my wife drags me to.
Music is music, man. It's the universal language.