What did you think of the movie?
Well, you know, I really think with the horrendous (可怕的) script and flat acting it was probably one of the best movies of
our generation. I see a lot of Oscar nods in its future!
Wait... what? So...you liked it?
...no, I'm being sarcastic. It was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
God, you Americans! I can never tell if you guys are being serious or sarcastic.
Well, it's huge part of American culture, so you better get with the program(入乡随俗) or I don't think I can be friends with you anymore...
See?! I'm clueless.
Well, usually we change the pitch and tone of our voices a little when we're being sarcastic, typically speaking a little bit more slowly and with a deeper pitch(音高).
Ok, Why do you Americans lke sarcasm so much anyway? Where I'm from it's seen as super rude.
It's deeply engrained (根深蒂固的) into American culture. I think it may have originally come from British culture. Either way, Americans generally like to joke around a lot.
This isn't to say that we don't know how tobe serious, but we see small sarcastic jokes like these as a means to brighten everyday life up a little. You can see it reflected everywhere in our culture,
from small interpersonal interactions to mass media.
I see. Geez, you guys truly are the most evolved culture on the planet...
Well, I wouldn't necessarily go that far.
... I'm being sarcastic.